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Distinguished Service Award

Each year the Department of Kinesiology at Manhattan College honors Alumni/ae who serve our profession in an exemplary way with the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award.

Distinguished Service Award Recipients

Richard J. Cole ’39

Arthur Byrnes ’40

Br. James Norton ’40

Charles Connington ’48

Steve Luchka ’48

Edward McLean ’50

Joseph Varone ’50

Nicholas J. Zauner ’51

Frank Egan ’53

Charles Eible ’53

Junius Kellogg ’53

John Lyons ’53

Alphonse D. Mangini ’53

Lindy Remigino ’53

Wallace M. Pina ’53

Joseph Schatzle ’53

Richard Ahkao ’54

James Arles ’54

John Foley ’54

Lou Jones ’54

John McVicar ’54

George Millar ’54

Thomas Lindgren ’55

John Carey ’56, Faculty

Edward Ghizza ’56

Joseph V. Prior ’57

John Powers ’58

Robert Malina ’59

Thomas Baker ’60

William Foley ’61

Matthew Hughes ’61

John Tobin ’61

John Comer ’62

Edward Raff ’62

Ronald J. Petro ’63

Carl V. Gisolfi ’64

Edward Howley ’65

Lawrence F. Lembo ’65

Patrick Levins ’65

James Feehan ’67

Thomas Collins ’68

James M. Corry ’68

Salvatore DeSantis ’68

John J. Donnelly ’68

Thomas Dore ’68

Walter Olsewski ’68

Neil Fitzpatrick ’69

Harry Dutch Pritts ’69

Frank Mazzucca ’69

Carmine Valente ’69

Charles F. Connington ’70

Thomas Doherty ’70

William Otivich ’70

Michael J. Greaney ’71

Anthony P. Servedio ’71

Peter McCarthy ’72, Faculty

Michael Tutoni ’72

Terrance Ryan ’72

Charles Busuttil ’73

Philip S. Cicero ’73

Louis DePasquale ’73

Kenneth M. Germano ’73

Daniel J Lynch ’73

William Merriman ’73, Faculty

John Donodeo ’74

William Byron ’74

Robert Monahan ’74

Gerry Oswald ’74

George Blessing ’76

Thomas Danko ’76

Michael Gulino ’76

Vincent Castellano ’77, Faculty

James Lampasso ’77

Denis O’Connell ’77

Brian Powers ’77

Monica Lepore ’78

Vincent Houston ’79

Sherry Anne McGuire ’79 (CMSV)

Lisa Toscano ’79, Faculty

LTC Thomas Crotty ’80

Wayne Milner ’80

Russell Spearman ’80

Rochelle Carfaro Forlen ’81

Robert Annunziata ’81

Edward Hurley ’81

Michael McGuire ’81

Mary Alice Ross ’81

Ray Barile ’82

Marianne Reilly ’82

William Payret ’83

Cathy Houston-Wilson ’84

Matthew Longo ’85

Laura Martorello ’88

Marilyn T. Reilly ’89

Kevin Cullen ’90

Liam Frawley ’90

Laura Anne Nokland ’90

Tammy Miller ’91

Michelle Perez ’92

Dahlia Henry-Tett ’96

Deborah Adams, Faculty

Bob Baird, CSA

Beth Barnett, Faculty

Carl Bennett, Faculty

David Curran, Faculty

Edward Finn, Faculty

John Johnson, Manhattan College Athletic Trainer

John S. Sich, Faculty

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